My First Blog

Monday, July 17, 2006

Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend

Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend

Great on men - if you dare.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Jump In With Both Feet

I'm really new to blogging....duh, right! But I already added a second one for our worship band. We're called six steps. You can check it out here:

I like the concept of a team blog better anyway....but perhaps I'll get better at posting....for now I'm swamped building pc's and transferring files/settings as the office is going through a big swap (each computer gets upgraded in the first 5 years and replaced in the next 5 with the newer machines going to the power users and the older machines to those who don't use them much. It's a good system of rotation that utilizes the technology we pay for the best. )

The main thing I'd like to change is the name...I couldn't get the one I wanted, so I chose this one since it may be the name of for a new school that my wife would like to start at our church.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Bettering My Blog

I don't know how, but I'd love to have a column for blogs I like to read or recommend as a permanent part of my blog.

Here's a coupleI like so far:

The G-Page

The G-Page

Ever wish you had more time....I've been without my pc for too long (due to my ide channels dying and thermal damage caused by a motherboard and processor fan that quit). But regardless, I've got a lot of graphics work to do on our site.

Also, I'd like to add some blogging feature to it - maybe church members blog list....I don't know yet....



This cartoon and the democrats that designed it is just another reason why I feel that the democratic party has more than left behind the people who claim to be democrats.....The more I study the issue the more I find that really old democrats are more in line with the current Republic party than their own Democrat Party.

This is just NOT cool.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Debate & Moderator Ideas

Three ideas here:

1. Have all the questions submitted by the American People. Screened in a manner bost parties agree too (say a representative from each party) Then have the whole thing moderated by someone like Bill O'Reilly.

2. Same as the above, but have two moderators. Each candidate can select a moderator of their choosing.

3. Have a Family Feud type debate that would allow Bush to use his cabinet and Kerry to use a potential one. The reason I like this is because no president is better than the sum of his cabinet and in some cases, like with Bush, his cabinet makes him even better than he is by himself. Bush is just a terrible spokesperson compared to the rest of his cabinet.....if I were him I'd want some help from is she ever sharp...another great debator is Alan Keys...they'd be good moderators too.

Thoughts About the 1st Presidential Debate

In a nutshell....Bush really stinks as a debater... But Kerry is too polished, and IMHO just wrong on several really important issues.

1. I don't think the U.S. needs to pass a global test before we act to protect ourselves against possible terrorists threats. Bush Right, Kerry Wrong.

2. Kerry is still not speaking straight about his positions, but he wants us to think he's never waivered??? Come on Mr. Kerry, you'd be better off to just admit that you're a flip-flopper. Kerry wants a coalition of nations to work on the Iraq situation and bilateral talks with N. Korea. Since Clinton tried this appoach for 8 years, I think it's time to move on Mr. Kerry. Bush Right, Kerry Wrong.

3. Comments to Bush - Dude! Get a debate trainer! You're surrounded by really really smart people who hold the same positions you do, but for some reason (you're just a little too nice maybe...follow the rules a little too much...I don't know) you don't come across very well. Here's my advice:

If the question is wrong (and it often is) or if it stinks of bias or is a loaded question...SAY SO! Use some of the Reagan approach (like the "there you go again" phrase) and tell the moderator that it's the wrong question. If you're going to let the left (PBS) wing moderate be prepared to correct them, and get the right message out. I hate it when people claim to be impartial and then they obviously aren't!!!!

Take some time off to listen to Sean Hannity and Michael Savage....heck, hire them to coach you a little. You only have the entire Presidency to lose!

Out of time on this one...but really, Bush didn't do well. If he wasn't the President and if so many didn't feel that a terrism policy switch right now was such a bad idea I think he'd be in more trouble.

More on this after the next debate.

My First Blog

Well.....this is a new experience for me....I've never done more than read other people's blogs. I'm actually looking forward to this, even if no one ever reads it but me! Everyone should have some kind of a record of their thoughts on life.

I truely believe that like all things there is potential in blogging for all of us to grow either more enlightened (I rarely use that word) or more blind to the real people behind the blogs. Blogging is merely a tool -- it's up to each of us what we decide to do with it.